Dec 27, 2019
This episode,
We record from the green room of Punch Line Sacramento, during JMO's Home For The Holidays show! It's open, random, revolving coversation with all the comedians. You're hearing a little inside baseball, and funny stories from Nick, Saul, Chicago Steve Barkley, Mike Betancourt, Ellis Rodriguez, and Diego...
Dec 15, 2019
This episode,
Saul's fiance Sheena joins us to talk gingerbread houses; unfunny comics; Nick makes FB friends with a little person; and Saul tells stories of living in his hostel, and having to move to a new hostel. Enjoy!
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@JMOpodcast, @NickLarson85, @SaulComedy
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Nov 4, 2019
This episode,
Saul hangs out with his mom in LA; Saul is looking for a room for rent; We come up with a new invention; gay X-Men; Nick needs to renew his lincense; Saul gets a Red Light Cam ticket; and Nick recaps his shows. Enjoy!
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@JMOpodcast, @NickLarson85, @SaulComedy
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Oct 27, 2019
This episode,
Saul is a low key house sitter, in LA; Nick & Saul recap their weekend shows; we discuss the pornos we like; Saul's mom loves Korean soap operas; our parents were racist; and we figure out the solution to World Peace! Enjoy!
Twitter -
@JMOpodcast, @NickLarson85, @SaulComedy
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Oct 14, 2019
This half of the episode,
We talk Louis CK; accidently getting dogs high; old jobs and old jokes; animated comics, and Jim Breuer being an underrated comedian; and Nick takes his kids to the speedway to see race cars. Enjoy!
Twitter -
@JMOpodcast, @NickLarson85, @SaulComedy
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